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Ernährung oder Training? Womit nehme ich besser ab?

If you want to burn fat, you will probably start exercising. And yes... that's good and right. And healthy. But how effective is exercise for fat loss without changing your eating habits? For many, answering this question honestly will mean quite a bit of disillusionment. Because training for fat loss... unfortunately, this is grossly overrated. But let's take a closer look.

Calorie consumption during exercise

To burn one kilogram of fat, you need to burn an extra 7000-8000kcal. If you assume that you consume exactly the amount of calories your body needs every day to maintain your body weight, then all you have to do is look to burn the above amount of calories and you will have burned a kilogram of fat.

However, there is one problem: the calorie consumption of exercise is not nearly as high as many might think! A typical workout at the gym will burn around 300-600kcal. Depending on how intensively you train and how heavy you are. A 60kg woman naturally burns fewer calories than a 90kg muscular man.

If you only go by this, you would have to train 10-20 training sessions until you have lost one kilogram of fat. However, it is important to remember that your diet must be balanced accordingly beforehand. Another problem...

The calorie intake

Those who want to lose fat do not have to lose fat because they have eaten too little beforehand. Fat is only ever built up if you consume more calories than you burn. So the diet should not be balanced but rather over-caloric. So strictly speaking, training does not help you to lose fat, but only to prevent you from putting on more.

Diet makes the difference

If you really want to lose fat, you should concentrate on optimizing your diet. Because it is easier to eat 500kcal less a day than to burn 500kcal more a day. This is because "burning more" usually also increases your appetite. Another problem. So if you want to lose weight, you should pay close attention to your diet. It is the key to success.

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