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Fit for spring

Winter is out, spring is the new hot fun. And with it comes refreshing food, sun-drenched exercise and fresh air in the blossoming countryside throughout the day. There's no time for spring fatigue, even if the body needs a little more energy to make the transition. But with outdoor activities and food that screams spring, you'll be the sparkling life yourself. Just follow our tips to get fit in and through spring.

What is spring fatigue?

Spring fatigue is the phenomenon that many people experience during the transition from the cold to the warm season. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, the body adapts to the longer days and more sunlight, which leads to changes in the hormone balance, particularly in the production of melatonin and serotonin. These adaptation processes can cause tiredness and exhaustion. In addition, the rising air pressure and temperature mean that the cardiovascular system has to do more work and also tires the body. A balanced diet, regular exercise and an appropriate sleep schedule can help to alleviate the symptoms of spring fatigue. Give your body time to adapt and pay attention to your own needs for a fit start to the warm season.

How to prepare your body for the spring season

To prepare your body for the spring season, it is important to adapt to the changes in the environment. A balanced diet, rich in fresh spring vegetables and fruit, supports the immune system. The increase in daylight hours can be used to spend more time outdoors and promote vitamin D production through sunlight.

Regular exercise, ideally in the fresh air, helps to improve well-being and helps the body to adapt more quickly after the winter period. The change from winter to spring clothing should be adapted to the weather to avoid overheating or cold. It is also advisable to adapt your sleep rhythm to the longer days and ensure you get enough sleep. Last but not least, it is helpful to carry out a spring clean not only in the household but also in your own life to make room for new things. An energizing soundtrack can give you the boost you need.

Get out into the air and get some vitamin D exercise

Spring offers ideal conditions for a variety of outdoor sports activities. One of the most popular is jogging, which is helped by the milder weather and longer days. Cycling is also an excellent choice as it offers the opportunity to enjoy the awakening nature. Hiking or nature walks are also popular and offer the opportunity to experience the fresh air and blossoming landscapes.

For team players, sports such as soccer, frisbee or volleyball offer a great opportunity to combine physical activity with other people. Those who prefer water sports can take up canoeing or sailing as soon as the waters are free of ice. For the adventurous, spring and its conditions offer ideal conditions for climbing or mountain biking. Whatever you fancy, sporting activity knows no bounds. Find what you like, try something new and get fit this spring.

Nutrition in spring

In spring, nature begins to awaken and fresh fruit and vegetables become available again. Spring fruits include strawberries, rhubarb and early varieties of apples and pears. Vegetables such as asparagus, radishes and spinach are also plentiful.

Suitable dishes for spring are light and fresh. Salads with young leafy vegetables, garnished with spring strawberries, offer a crisp and vitamin-rich meal. Dishes with asparagus, such as classic asparagus cream soups or asparagus risotto, are also popular. Rhubarb is often used in desserts, for example in rhubarb cake or rhubarb compote, which capture the tart flavor of spring.

Smoothies and juices containing fresh spring fruit are an excellent way to provide the body with important nutrients. Light fish or chicken dishes with fresh herbs also reflect the lightness of the season.

Fighting spring fatigue with nutrition

An adapted diet can help you to alleviate spring fatigue and symptoms such as exhaustion and listlessness. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals is recommended. Vitamin C from citrus fruits and vitamin D, which is synthesized by sunlight, play a particularly important role. Magnesium, which can be found in nuts and wholegrain products, for example, can also reduce tiredness. Sufficient hydration is equally important to help the body purify itself and optimize energy production. Light but nutrient-rich meals such as salads with fresh vegetables, fish or lean poultry promote well-being and help combat the sluggishness that can occur in spring.

Enjoy spring with good tips

Getting fit in spring is not only a good thing, it's also very easy. Just think about exercise, nutrition and fresh air and you have everything you need to make it easier for your body to adapt to the warmer half of the year. Our tips for a fit start to spring should give you a good indication of how to make the transition and feel good all round.