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Energie Booster

More energy in everyday life - how to feel fitter straight away

Do you often feel tired? Or do you regularly struggle with an afternoon slump? That doesn't have to be the case. With the right tips, you'll immediately feel fitter in everyday life and successfully recharge your batteries. Whether for work, leisure or sport - we present the best energy boosters that you can integrate into your everyday life straight away.

Tip 1: A cold shower in the morning for aquickstart to the day

Admittedly, our first tip is not something you're particularly looking forward to. At least not immediately. But an ice shower in the morning can work wonders. The cold water wakes you up immediately and even has a positive effect on your hormones. The cold shower causes your body to release adrenaline and irisin. Adrenaline is an energy booster that immediately puts you into productivity mode and improves your concentration. Irisin leads to an increase in mitochondria and an increase in metabolic speed. This quickly gives you significantly more energy.

It is best to start by taking another 30-second cold shower at the end of your morning shower. Gradually extend this interval. And after a short time, you will be able to shower completely cold. Even if it doesn't sound very credible at first, cold showers are addictive! Try it out.

Tip 2: Optimizing your sleep is the be-all and end-all

Healthy sleep is essential for your vitality in everyday life and is much more important than artificial energy boosters such as energy drinks, coffee and other drinks with lots of caffeine. There are two things you should pay particular attention to when sleeping: Your sleep hygiene and your sleep duration.

Sleep hygiene refers to the conditions that enable your body to get a healthy night's sleep in the first place. The most important points here are reducing blue light in the evening, maintaining the right temperature in the bedroom, avoiding caffeine in the evening and "emptying" your head. This means: write down all the things that are on your mind, along with all the to-dos for the coming day, so that you don't have to subconsciously think at night about what you have to do the next day.

When it comes to sleep duration, you should pay particular attention to your sleep cycles. A sleep cycle with all phases of healthy sleep lasts around 90 minutes. So go to bed in such a way that you are not woken up in the middle of a deep sleep phase. This is a real energy killer. You should go through at least 4-6 such sleep cycles per night. So go to bed so that your alarm clock rings after 6, 7.5 or 9 hours the next morning. Gradually, this rhythm will help you to wake up at the right time all by yourself.

There are also a few things you can bear in mind when waking up to start the day with energy. Don't drink coffee straight after getting up, but rather water or a cup of tea. In the morning, your body produces its very own energy boost in the form of cortisol. The caffeine contained in coffee only irritates your body and can lead to a habituation effect that reduces the effect of coffee in the long term. Water, on the other hand, quickly quenches your morning thirst, which can quickly lead to exhaustion. Extra tip: If you want to avoid coffee at the moment, black or green tea is a good alternative. They also contain caffeine, but it works much more slowly in tea and therefore keeps you fit for longer.

Tip 3: The right nutrients lead to better recovery and a good mood

Your body gains energy primarily from three nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, D vitamins and magnesium. Of course, there are many more nutrients that have a positive effect on your energy levels. But these three energy suppliers are essential for a healthy diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids provide polyunsaturated fatty acids that your body and especially your brain need - for example for hormone production and cell division. You can find these fatty acids primarily in foods from the sea. Oily sea fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel are natural energy boosters that contain particularly high levels of omega-3 and provide an optimal energy boost. Or you can get yourself a high-quality omega-3 supplement. Fish oil capsules are particularly popular.

Your current D-vitamin level should ideally be determined with the help of a blood test. These days, such tests are even available as inexpensive self-tests. They tell you how much D vitamin you need and should take as a supplement, for example. Vitamin D is also often referred to as the sun hormone because the body can produce it itself when exposed to sunlight. And although the human body can do this, a large proportion of the population suffers from a vitamin D deficiency - because our modern lifestyle means that we get far too little exercise in the sun and fresh air. But anyone who remembers the beginning of spring and summer knows how beneficial sunbathing can be. The energy level practically increases by itself. Our tip: Make sure you exercise regularly in the sun and consciously get some fresh air. Even if you just quickly put your face in the sun at the open window during your lunch break, this will boost your performance - and it will also give you inner peace.

Above all, magnesium helps you to relax and reduce stress. As a result, it also has a positive effect on your sleep. It is best to get into the habit of taking a supplement in the evening before you go to sleep or to enrich your diet with magnesium-rich foods in the evening. The mineral is found in nuts, beef, bananas and wholemeal bread, for example. Better sleep will lead to more energy in everyday life.


If you want to increase your energy in everyday life, you should start with these three tips:

  • Take a cold shower in the morning to get an adrenaline rush that will set you up for the whole day.
  • Optimize your sleep with habits that help you wind down in the evening and a balanced sleep duration.
  • Make sure you get enough energy sources such as omega-3, D vitamins and magnesium.

Follow these tips and you will see: After just a short time, you'll have more energy than ever before.