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Pretty nice zinc

What would the world be like without zinc? Your body in particular cannot do without this essential trace element. The things your body can do with zinc are enormous. Beautiful fingernails, hair and skin are just the external signs of a proper zinc balance, but the inner values also count. A stable immune system, flawless wound healing and functional cell division in the synthesis of protein are just a few examples of how the trace element strengthens you. If you are fit on the inside, it will also show on the outside. This is because zinc is involved in more than 300 enzymes that are active in maintaining your hair, nails and skin. Find out what's going on, how you can get a healthy level of zinc and what happens if you have a zinc deficiency here on the Energybody blog.

The benefits of zinc for hair growth

Hair and zinc - a perfect match. The trace element, which is not produced by the body and cannot be stored for long, strengthens the hair follicles, the producers of your hair, and helps to prevent hair loss. Hair follicles are found on almost the entire skin. A sufficient supply also contributes to the repair and growth of hair by supporting the work of the sebaceous glands, which in turn supply the skin with serum - the skin's natural protective film. Also good for the hair: creatine. The production of this energy supplier is generally important for anyone who wants to tackle their tasks with strength and vigor. This also applies to hair, which is structurally influenced by creatine. As mentioned, zinc also plays a role in the immune system and thus effectively counteracts inflammation on the scalp. For hair loss or to strengthen the hair; zinc is good for the hair.

Stable nails with zinc

Zinc is just as good for nails, as it promotes cell growth and cell repair. This is immediately reflected in healthy and strong fingernails. Creatine, which is also important for nail health, plays a key role for your nails, as you may be familiar with the effects of zinc deficiency: brittle fingernails, discoloration and reduced growth. So it's best to avoid deficiency symptoms in the first place and provide your body with sufficient zinc, the proven remedy for strong and beautiful nails on fingers and toes.

Zinc goes to the skin

Last but not least, zinc is also a trace element that the skin likes to feel. Here, zinc is active as a regulator of the sebaceous glands and in this function balances the skin's oil production. For people with acne in particular, zinc is an effective means of counteracting inflammatory reactions thanks to its antioxidant effect and strong wound healing properties. Free radicals and UV radiation are also kept in check with the help of zinc. For strong and healthy skin, hair and nails, you should therefore always pay attention to your zinc levels. This is easy to do if you pay attention to your diet or take supplements to make up for any deficiencies.

Tips for absorbing zinc through your diet

Zinc can be absorbed through food in a variety of ways. This is urgently needed as the body does not produce the essential trace element itself. A balanced diet contributes to sufficient zinc intake. Foods with a high zinc content include

  • Seafood such as oysters and other shellfish
  • Beef and lamb as well as internal meats such as liver
  • poultry
  • Legumes such as lentils or beans
  • Nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts and cashews
  • Seeds and kernels such as amaranth and pumpkin seeds
  • Whole grain products such as oatmeal
  • Cheese such as Gouda and Edam
  • milk
  • corn
  • tofu
  • egg

Tip: Plan your meals to maximize your zinc intake. Vitamin C, which improves the absorption of zinc in your body, will help you do this. Fermented foods such as cheese and yogurt also increase the bioavailability of zinc.

If you find it difficult to get enough zinc from your diet, zinc supplements can help. These can be taken in the form of zinc tablets, powder, liquid or as part of other supplements. However, be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose.

How much zinc should you take?

The recommended daily intake of zinc varies depending on age, gender and lifestyle. In general, adult men need around 11 mg and adult women 8 mg of zinc daily. For pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, the requirement increases to 11 to 13 mg. Excessive intake of zinc can lead to health problems. We therefore advise you to clarify your individual requirements before supplementing and to avoid possible interactions with medication or other nutrients.

The effects of zinc deficiency on the body

Zinc deficiency can manifest itself in various ways. As an essential trace element, zinc is essential for numerous bodily functions, including immune defense, cell division, wound healing and protein and DNA synthesis. A deficiency can lead to symptoms such as hair loss, delayed wound healing, skin problems and impaired sense of taste. In addition, a deficiency can impair the development and function of immune cells, which leads to an increased susceptibility to infections. In children, zinc deficiency can inhibit growth and contribute to developmental disorders. Long-term zinc deficiency can also lead to reproductive problems and impaired visual function. Luckily, zinc deficiency can be countered with a zinc-rich diet.

Alternatives to zinc for skin health, beautiful nails and healthy hair

In addition to zinc, there are other nutrients that promote your skin health, beautiful nails and healthy hair:

  1. Vitamin A: Promotes skin renewal and is important for maintaining skin health.
  2. Biotin: Known as vitamin B7, it supports hair and nail health.
  3. Vitamin C: Important for collagen production, protects the skin from premature ageing.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids: They have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote skin health.
  5. Iron: A deficiency can lead to hair loss, so an adequate intake is important.
  6. Silicon: A trace element that is important for strong nails and hair.

A balanced diet combined with adequate hydration forms the basis for healthy skin, nails and hair.

Zinc supplements from Energybody

Whether to counteract hair loss, finally get strong nails or for healthy skin; zinc is a real all-rounder. At Energybody you will find a range of high-quality supplements that can help you supplement your diet to ensure you have an optimal zinc balance. Discover other effective nutritional supplements that provide your body with everything it needs to function smoothly. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about your zinc intake. We support you in your goals, and zinc helps.