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Science shows: The best sport to burn fat

Science shows: The best sport forburningfat

It's no longer a secret that the right combination of exercise and diet is the key to losing weight. The only question is which sport is the best way to fight the calories. Cardio training? Or weight training? Which sport is best suited to burning fat effectively and losing weight successfully? Some scientists have asked themselves precisely this question. With astonishing results.

For their fitness study, the scientists compared three different groups of athletes. One group was only asked to train their cardio with the help of endurance training, another group only did strength training to build muscle and the third group trained with a combination of both types of sport.

Endurance training is the fastest way to lose weight

At the end of the study period, the group with pure endurance training had lost the most weight and also lost fat, while the group with pure strength training had actually gained weight. However, this weight gain is no surprise. This is because strength training enabled this group to build up the most muscle - and muscle mass is significantly heavier than fatty tissue. Despite the weight gain, the test subjects' bodies still lost fat. Strength training is therefore particularly effective if you don't necessarily want to lose weight in terms of numbers, but are primarily aiming for strength, fitness and an athletic appearance in addition to burning fat and calories.

The mix of strength and cardio training makes all the difference

In practice, the following applies to training: a combination of strength and cardio sports should still be the method of choice. Even if more fat - especially belly fat - can initially be burned with pure endurance sports, an athletic figure is only really appealing when the muscles are toned and effectively trained. So it's not about building up big muscles. A thoroughly athletic body with lots of energy is the result of a balanced fitness program, toned muscles and the right diet - and strength training should not be missing as a supplement to cardio sports.

In addition to building muscle, strength training has other benefits: It strengthens your body because it increases bone density. In addition, the intense strain of strength training leads to an increase in the basal metabolic rate through muscle building. In combination with endurance sports, which are good for your cardiovascular system, you can make your body fit all round - regardless of whether you combine your muscle training with jogging, swimming, cycling or another cardio sport.

Conclusion: strength and cardio training together achieve the best effects

  • Endurance training demands a lot of energy from your body. This accelerates weight loss and fat burning.
  • Strength training also burns fat, but you gain weight by building muscle.
  • For an all-round athletic body, you should combine strength and cardio.

Our tip: If you're not sure which sport is the ideal complement to your strength training, try jogging, swimming and cycling. The important thing is that you are active in several sports for optimum results - and give your body enough time.